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I can't live without... & I love...

This baby rearing business doesn't half come with a crapload of "must have..." pressure (temptation).
I'm sure I read Pinterest's entire archive of "must-have" pins - most often at bedtime until my eyes started to burn - and the recommendation lists were so epic it soon became clear I wouldn't fit them all in my house without sacrificing space for the actual baby. Who needs a cot?
In typical Virgo style I got my shiz together, narrowing the avalanche down to a common sense list. 

Said list included the Fisher Price Rock 'n' Play that every other mother COULD NOT SURVIVE A NIGHT WITHOUT etc etc. D never slept at night in it after I learnt (after buying of course - always) that the risks when sleeping in it are just like those when spending too long in a car seat. Also the health visitor gave it a suspicious side-eye along with the "baby should only lie flat for sleeping" telling off recommendation. So, it got used a handful of times for day naps (she's NEVER napped for more than 1/2 an hour in her whole little life) and she never really liked to lounge in it for longer than a few minutes, because lounging is a notch above sleeping and clearly that's unacceptable.  
So in the end it was just taking up space that could be given to other things like a bassinet that didn't require me having to do the holdyapartytwostrapswithonehandy dance. I sent it to Nani and Bampi's house and this is where it came into its own. It makes for a comfy temporary napping place, folds away quickly and easily and is lightweight to lug up and down stairs. Plus it was under £40. 

Rock and Play aside, my foraging of the internet brought me some real gems, I just wish it had taken only 5% of the time I'd used to find them so I could watch more Keeping Up With the Kardashians, epilate my legs or change my "house clothes" for something more acceptable to answer the door in. Or in fact any other activity I vaguely recall from the 32 years B.C. (before child) 

For your succinct browsing and buying pleasure here's my survival kit.

(please never let me experience that dark dark place)

1. Soft tie baby sling

a.k.a The Sanity Saver

We bought two of these bad boys so we could keep one each in our cars and/or rotate out one should it get puked / drooled / shat on. Together they cost just under half of one of the branded ones and these slings saved me. If Carlsberg did Motherhood this is what they would sell. When D wouldn't settle in the pram, wouldn't sleep, wouldn't let me extricate myself from her side for one millisecond to do anything that requires two hands, this stretchy bit of material freed me. Still now, 8 months on I use it whenever I go shopping. I think they can be used until little one is three years old, though I'm thinking my back probably won't take that. 
They also provides a good solution to breast feeding on the go especially when wanting to be discreet or multitask (so I've heard - I never got to try it for that part).  
So should you feel the desire to give yourself a fighting chance at life BUY SEVEN IMMEDIATELY! 

2. Perfect Prep Machine

Dear Perfect Prep Machine,

Thank you for saving me from many a wasted hour in the kitchen practicing water alchemy with my powders jugs and kettles. I never mastered the wrist test so everything was cold no matter the process.
With the extra time you gave me I clawed back some precious sleep. This was especially lovely in the wee hours and all in all could have saved my marriage for all I know. 
Thank you for giving me a bug-free quick-fix solution to nourishing my child after my boobs wouldn't work properly. We are all much happier since we no longer have to experience the Slight Hunger Is Torture Screams (SHITs)

You really are perfect.

3. Dummies

Of course I was that mother who said she wasn't going to give her child a dummy *eye roll emoji*.
After two or three weeks of hell when I was sleeping with my (sanitised) finger in child's mouth whilst she sucked on it desperately seeking milk (I only later learnt she wasn't getting from my boobs) I relented. 
Cue happier baby and well rested parents. 
D still has her dummy to sleep or when she is in the car seat and getting grouchy or if she's tired or upset and can't be distracted, but that's it. Baby = soothed. Life = bearable. There are obviously many brands available but this is the only one she went for - despite me coaxing her with the type that have convenient little storage caps.


1. Dummy bomb

This little gem is a genius. Pop a mini sterilising tablet in it, top up with a bit of water, push in the two sponges, place dummy faced down in the hole and 15 minutes later you have a clean silencer. I would just pop a spare dummy in it when I was going out so if D dropped hers or smeared it over a questionable surface I'd switch them out. I had this for the first 5 or so months but I stopped using it when my BFF introduced me to instant sterilising spray. It has replaced the need for the bomb so far but I still have a soft spot for it.

2. Aden & Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets

For the first few months we swaddled Delphie every night at bedtime as this was definitely how she slept best. We bought many a muslin (I heard that husband!) and I get now why the Aden and Anais brand is so popular. They have a hefty price tag so I shopped a bargain and paid a quarter of the price. TKMaxx often sell Aden & Anais products in store so this is always a good starting place for the search. They really are the best quality muslin, extremely soft and getting softer with use. The 120 x 120 size is perfect for swaddling and we've used them blankets this summer, rain guards, dribble cloths, towels, the list goes on. I think 4 large ones is all I would have needed along with the small high street ones I use for feeding, burping etc.

They might not look like much but these colourful links entertained our girl far more than any other toy she had for the best part of 4/5 months. We took them everywhere and attached them to everything and anything. She used to watch them before she learnt to reach, and then when she learnt to reach she tried to swat at them for hours. She still likes to toss them around so hard they hit her in the face and she cries give them a jaunty shake and chew on them. I'd have paid £100 for the value they've brought - for a £5 it's a no-brainer.

This came second place in our most used toy department. We were given a more typical baby gym but for some reason D didn't like it for more than a few minutes.
She would stare at this one for ages and when she was kicking her feet she would stay on the mat for fifteen minutes jabbing away. The piano detaches so now she is older and can't keep still for a minute she can bash at the keys to her hearts content.



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