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Autumns descent

Week in Summary

Timeline: 35 weeks 5 days
Due date: 4th October 2015

Symptoms: The pesky rib pain is here to stay. Thinking it might calm down when baby drops (I hope). A new one to add to the mixing pot this week is sudden lightning bolt stop-me-in-my-track type pains that run from groin down my thigh. Poof - It goes as quick as it comes but it's a shocker. It's only happened when I've been walking around shops. Maybe someone it trying to get me to stop spending money?

External stuff: Stretch marks 0 - 1 Stretch mark cream.
Wedding rings are getting tighter!

Sleep: Four words:  Bank Holiday lie in's! 

Cravings & Longings: Been digging Ginger Beer this week and still want CAKE!

Best & Worst moments: Epic fail this week... spilling freshly boiled black coffee over self. 
I jumped my arse back from the spill but bump got caught in the crossfire. Had to leave work so I could go home and hang my belly out - clothes hurt like a mother sucker! I had to wrap it in clingfilm at bedtime. 
Sweet = Husband was very sympathetic.
Alarming = Husband also asked question: "Can baby breathe with that on?" 
Answer: "My belly button is not a blowhole even if I do look like a whale. How do you not know this?" Followed by mild panic that Husband will have 4.5 months paternity leave unattended.
It's healing up now and the blisters have gone thankfully.

Best moment - Used the doppler again this week to listen to little one's heart rate. Husband and I counted 120bpm which is 20bpm slower than the earlier days but it sounded strong and steady. Measuring 35cms on the bump so the midwife says, so growth seems good too.

Gender Prediction: Me = Girl, Husband = Boy.

Names: My favourite girls name is creeping up on the Husband's 'like' scale - can I get a woop whoop!  Not up there yet though! 
There are no new names in the pot for consideration though

Movement: Seems to have reduced in frequency but motions are strong.


We bought....

Elf on the Shelf!!! No further comments needed!

To-do's this week: Hammer away at the DIY to-do list (no pun intended).
Attend a friend's baby shower and get even more baby excited.
Try not to be jealous of family on the Italian holiday I was supposed to be on too.

Happy Friday all x


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