Week in Summary Timeline: 40 weeks and 2 days Due date: Wednesday 7th October?? Symptoms: Clearly not enough of the right ones! So over the last few weeks I've experienced the joys of lightning crotch on a frequent basis. I like to imagine bambino is pushing on that nerve just to keep me on my toes (and on my toes is just where I end up). The pain is over is quick flashes and thank God because if it carried on I think something would snap in two. One word: itchiness. Just seeing the word gets me reaching for a scratch. I've been getting insane itch attacks which just love to come as I'm cwtching down to sleep. After frantic repeated scratching of every available surface of my skin they don't stop . It especially loves to ramp it up when I get a little bit too hot - Cue the quilt hokey kokey each night! After mentioning it to the midwife she took some bloods to rule out obstetric cholestasis . They c ame back all clea...
Chronicles of a chronic over-thinker