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Due: (adj.) under engagement as to time; expected to be ready, be present, or arrive; scheduled

Week in Summary

Timeline: 40 weeks and 2 days
Due date: Wednesday 7th October??

Symptoms: Clearly not enough of the right ones! 

So over the last few weeks I've experienced the joys of lightning crotch on a frequent basis. I like to imagine bambino is pushing on that nerve just to keep me on my toes (and on my toes is just where I end up). The pain is over is quick flashes and thank God because if it carried on I think something would snap in two. 

One word: itchiness. Just seeing the word gets me reaching for a scratch. 
I've been getting insane itch attacks which just love to come as I'm cwtching down to sleep. After frantic repeated scratching of every available surface of my skin they don't stop . It especially loves to ramp it up when I get a little bit too hot - Cue the quilt hokey kokey each night! After mentioning it to the midwife she took some bloods to rule out obstetric cholestasis. They came back all clear so I'm putting it down to hormones  because I can't pinpoint anything different in my diet or product use.

Braxton Hicks are like an old friend to me now. I haven't experienced pain with them like some mothers-to-be do, just my belly turning to stone as if Medusa was giving my bump the evils. 
I like it when they happen because, without any other signals going on, it makes me believe that actual labour could be a imminent possibility. 

Gaviscon takes prime position on the nightstand these days. The aniseed version has been a dream for all the heartburn & indigestion. Hail Mary to the makers!

External stuff: After being measured at the 39 week midwife appointment it seems all is on track with growth as expected for this stage - though to me my bump doesn't look like it's grown much in depth over the last 3 weeks. I would say it seems to have dropped a little from the outside though so maybe that's why. At the appointment baby was measuring 4/5 palpable which basically meant only 1/5 of the head was down in the pelvis. The midwife told me then she thought labour was "unlikely" to happen for due date.

Stretch mark watch: Nothing yet!!! Is it possible I'll get all the way without one? It seems too good to be true! 

Third time on the scales the other day and am weighing in at 12 stone 10, so I've put on 2 stone 5 during the pregnancy. The weight doesn't matter to me because I've been lucky enough to maintain my body shape for the most part (the tops of my legs chafe together but if that's all there is I'll take it!) I haven't felt much of an increased appetite overall so thankfully it's not been too much of a battle avoiding overindulging. I have eaten ten tonne of sweets and chocolates though so the cellulite has stepped it up a level. 

Sleep: Itchy skin, frequent urination, heartburn & indigestion and braxton hicks do not a restful night make. I've been struggling to get to sleep (4am is the usual time) and then I often wake up and have really alert periods during the night so getting back to sleep is difficult. Nature's way of prepping me for the weeks to come? 

Cravings & Longings: Cheese savouries, chocolate, orange juice.

Best & Worst moments: Being physically able to keep working right up until the end has turned out to be a real positive now that I've gone over the estimated due date. 
I'm day two into maternity leave and am pleased to know baby will be here in under two weeks regardless because it feels such wasted time being home with no little one (maternity leave is like gold dust in my eyes). I'm feeling very blessed to have had a complication free pregnancy and am totally high fiving my body for all its awesome work to date - I really had no part to play in it so I feel she needs a shout out. Just get us through the final hurdle girl and I'll be forever grateful! Maybe even step it up a bit to help you out with the cellulite thing!

Going over our estimated due date is bringing mixed emotions. I am enjoying the anticipation and build up and I'm trying hard not to wish away the last free time I have (a few months ago I would have committed crime for two days off). I'm also appreciating the things I can do because life hasn't turned upside down just yet (leisurely bath? don't mind if I do) but at the same time I'm inpatient. I'm nervous and excited to meet our little one. I'm looking forward to getting to know every curve and contour of this little human we have made and eager to spend the time tuning in to their needs as they rely on us to help them grow. 

A big part of me is looking forward to the full on chaos children bring and to have something bigger and more important than anything I've ever known to focus on. To be on the brink of something you know is life-changing but be unsure of how it will change, is a lot to process. So it's been good to have a quiet moment to pause and reflect. 

Now come on already!!!

Gender Prediction: We had a fourth ultrasound the other week after concerns of static growth and at the appointment the sonographer slipped up about the gender ("...and there's [his/her] little tongue poking out" Nooooooooooo!). My husband didn't hear it but it was a definite reference to a gender so for a while there I was a bit bummed the surprise had been taken away. 
But, I've talked myself around to believing she may just have an default reference, like my husband believes all cars are female and all animals are male, or that I might have misheard (I didn't). So, irrespective of anything else I'm going to stick with the last gut feelings before that appointment and say Boy. It's been hard keeping it a secret from the Husband but I hope I've done a good job at staying neutral! 
Husband is standing firm on Girl prediction.

Names: Picking a name for our child has not been as easy as picking a name for our cats! 
Who knows how it will go down? We've had some solidly on the top of the boys list for a while, but the girls is still sadly depleted. I've chopped and changed my mind as much as I've changed around the furniture in my house (shamefully above average amount). What with all the hormones and sleep deprivation (and possibly drugs though I hope not!) the decision could turn out to be anything on the actual day. 

Movement: While mummy does the hokey kokey at night  with the bed covers baby gets all busy making shapes. S/he's particularly fond of a roundhouse kick in the top left of the abdomen - I'm pretty sure I've been trying to grab the heel of a foot over the last few weeks. It's still the best thing about pregnancy to experience I think so I know I will miss that when it's gone.

Purchases/Gifts/Donations: Thanks to three wonderfully thoughtful friends it was Baby-Shower-tastic here the other weekend (more on that at a later date), so we have been overwhelmed by beautiful gifts. We received too many things to list but can safely say we have everything we need... x 2. 

To-do's this week: Sleep, eat, drink raspberry tea.

It won't be long till we see you now beautiful baby, we do hope we make you proud XO


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